
Friday, August 30, 2019

Friends Know Best!

Back from its hiatus for medical reasons Makoto Hagino was dealing with last month, here's Nettaigyo chapter 22. According to her Twitter account, this chapter was originally a single, 91-page chapter, but this was split in two for size concerns, with the next chapter coming next month. Thanks to the usual anonymous donor of the raws, which has been invaluable to getting these chapters out on time.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 22: Mediafire, Drive

Monday, August 19, 2019

To Sing a Song That Old Was Sung!

For the second release today, here's Kanoboku chapter 26.

Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku ch. 26: Mediafire, Drive

Typo fixed on pg. 5. Replace with this.

What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks!

Madowanai Hoshi chapters 31 and 32 are done.

Next up, the latest Kanoboku.

Madowanai Hoshi ch. 31: Mediafire, Drive
Madowanai Hoshi ch. 32: Mediafire, Drive

Typo fixed in ch. 31. Replace with this.

Friday, August 2, 2019

So Shines a Good Deed in a Naughty World!

There's been a long delay with getting to this, but here are chapters 29 and 30 from Madowanai Hoshi volume 4. Only one volume of this series comes out a year, which is why the last time this was worked on was June of last year.

Madowanai Hoshi ch. 29: Mediafire, Drive
Madowanai Hoshi ch. 30: Mediafire, Drive

Typo in ch. 30 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.