Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Microbe's in the Details!

Now we come to Moyashimon chapter 78, 79 and 80, marking the halfway point through volume 7. And what's more, this also marks the halfway point through the entire series, leaving just a scant 79 chapters left to go in Moyashimon. This is quite a big milestone to reach for a series like this which is quite long and incredibly wordy, but thankfully, it's all downhill from this point on. Speaking of wordy, chapter 78 was one of the wordiest chapters in recent memory, so if you love giant walls of text, then you'll love that chapter.

Moysahimon ch. 78: Mediafire, Dropbox
Moysahimon ch. 79: Mediafire, Dropbox
Moysahimon ch. 80: Mediafire, Dropbox


  1. I actually do love lots of text provided it's appropriate for the story, which it is in this case. I always find it weird when people are reading like, a political conspiracy manga or a psychological/detective manga and complain about long-winded dialogues, because...that's the point? Though anybody's free to complain about action manga where some side character finds it necessary to explain the MC's every move to us, lol.

    Thanks for the chapters, and congrats on reaching the halfway point so quickly. You guys are amazingly dedicated!

  2. Thank you! I got all of Moyashimon in print form a while ago, in the hopes that someday I might find someone to translate it (not that I ever tried very hard). But I'd always wondered who the other girl was in the story arc. Now I finally know what was going on!
