Monday, September 30, 2019

If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On!

Kanobku chapter 29 is out.

Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku ch. 29: Mediafire, Drive

Saturday, September 28, 2019

When Friends Are Needed Most!

Here's Nettaigyo chapter 23, the latter half of what was originally a single chapter with chapter 22, so if the last chapter felt a little incomplete, then this chapter makes up for it. Thanks as always to the usual anonymous donor for the raws in helping to get these out so quickly. Also, here's to hoping that an anime will be announced soon now that it has enough material for a 12 episode series.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 23: Mediafire, Drive

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Brandish Your Crystal Tresses in the Sky!

Finally, Madowanai Hoshi volume 4 ends with chapters 37 and 38, along with some bonus content at the end. If feels just like yesterday I was starting on Moyashimon, and yet that's already been complete for about a year and a half. Obviously, Madowanai Hoshi is a different series, but it has a lot of the same charms that Moyashimon had, although the long wait between volumes isn't ideal, with only one volume a year, and the next one expected to come out next year sometime around April or May, going by past release dates.

In the meantime, the third and final volume of Giniro no Genders will finally begin, alongside Bokura wa Mahou Shounen volume 3. But next up, the latest Nettaigyo chapter.

Madowanai Hoshi ch. 37: Mediafire, Drive
Madowanai Hoshi ch. 38: Mediafire, Drive

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

For the Certain Knowledge of That Truth!

So here are Madowanai Hoshi chapters 35 and 36, leaving only two left to go in this volume.

Madowanai Hoshi ch. 35: Mediafire, Drive
Madowanai Hoshi ch. 36: Mediafire, Drive

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nor Dare I Question With My Jealous Thought!

Now for the latest Kanoboku with chapter 28.

Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku ch. 28: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo on pg. 13 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Luck of Cross-dressing!

Happy Friday the 13th! To celebrate, here's My First Love Was a Beautiful "Girl" chapter 6. The title has been updated from About a Guy Who's Been Destroyed From His First Love Being a Pretty Girl ♂, because the new title is the one used in the serialization for the volume release.

There's very little difference between the web version and the serialization, other than the serialization being monochromatic and some of the pages have improved art for backgrounds and scenery, but the basic layout of the pages, in terms of the character art and the bubbles, remain the same. The web version is now a sort of preview of the finished chapters published in the volumes, and as such, there are some things in the web version, and specifically this chapter, that are clearly unfinished when it was posted recently.

Still, the chapter itself is complete, even if some of the scenery is still in the sketch phase on a few pages. Also, some of the pages appear to be the finished version and are therefore monochromatic, so this release is weirdly a blend of both the unfinished and finished pages,. But anyway, enjoy.

My First Love Was a Beautiful "Girl" ch. 6: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo on pg. 16 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Against the Stormy Gusts of Winter's Day!

Still plugging away at this, here are Madowanai Hoshi chapters 33 and 34, more than halfway through the volume.

Madowanai Hoshi ch. 33: Mediafire, Drive
Madowanai Hoshi ch. 34: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, September 6, 2019

Taking That Next Step!

Back from his hiatus last month, here's Fukaboku chapter 14. The next chapter is scheduled for realse on October 4.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 14: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo on pg. 8 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.

Monday, September 2, 2019

A Summer's Day Will Seem an Hour but Short!

Here's the latest Kanoboku with chapter 27, a rather short chapter this time, not pun intended.

Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku ch. 27: Mediafire, Drive

Typo fixed on pg. 5. Replace with this.