Love Allergen is a manga written by Satoru Akahori and illustrated by Yukimaru Katsura, the creators of Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl. It follows Tasuku Yamano, a boy starting high school who just moved to the rural town Tokitakimi, and Honomi Morioka, a girl of high-status in his class who is allergic to falling in love (or specifically the endorphins released during love). There is a legend in the town which tells of a child born from a cherry blossom tree, but the child died before she could find love. A thousand years later, Tasuku and Honomi encounter the spirit of the cherry blossom, which is attempting to create another child. Tasuku and Honomi make a pact with the cherry blossom's spirit to teach the child all about love, and in exchange, the spirit will cure Honomi's allergy to love.
Volume 1: [Mediafire]
Volume 2: [Mediafire]
Volume 3: [Mediafire]
Volume 4: [Mediafire]