Monday, June 8, 2020

Love Until the Very End!

Finally, after all this time since this series actually ended about a year ago, here is the final chapter of Giniro no Genders. This has been quite an odd little series, and it certainly has its issues, but it was still an interesting series for what it did. If nothing else, people seemed to complain about it a lot, and I guess that's better than people just ignoring it, so it's all good in the end. I'm just glad that it's finally over so I can work on other things. So, love it or hate it, please enjoy the final chapter.

Giniro no Genders ch. 25: Mediafire, Drive


  1. Wow. That was quite a ride. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  2. haha yea..quite something. i like what you said about it, ahaha. glad people are reading it and thinking about it critically. it was strange, but thanks for bringing it to us! good to see the breadth of what's out there

  3. I think some of the complaints about the series is with how inconsistent the story was. It started INCREDIBLY strong but couldn't keep it up very long. It wandered around somewhat aimlessly and got kind of stupid for a good while before finally ending fairly strong (if weird) again.

  4. If "other things" means anything by Kina Kobayashi, then I'm glad this is finally over, too. ;)
    I'm not saying I hated it, mind. There was some good stuff in there, but... Overall, I felt it was all just a bit awkward, both in the artwork and the storytelling. And everything was resolved wayyy too neatly.
    However. Having said that, I was still prepared to stick with this one to the end, so I'm glad you did too. Thanks.
