Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Put Your Trust in Cross-dressing!

After about a 100-day hiatus, Usotsuki Lily returns with chapter 72 at the start of volume 12! That's 72 chapters (not counting the one-shots from volume 0, and the various bonus chapters at the end of the volumes), a staggering number for sure (for us, at least), but with Usolily about to celebrate it's 100th chapter early next year, it seems miniscule by comparison. A few days from now will officially be our 3-year anniversary since our first release way back in October 2010. In that time, we've had over 500 releases, over 4,200 comments, and over 1.9 million page views to this blog.

We've also received $439 in donations since we started that back in mid-2011, and we are forever grateful to those who have donated. Except for our Waai and Waai Mahalo series (and a couple other small releases), we buy all our raws. To put this in perspective, that's 13 volumes of Usolily, 12 of Kuragehime, 4 of Love Allergen, 2 of Otosuki and Gisou Honey Trap, 3 of Bokura no Hentai and Shounen Oujo, 1 of Sweet Magic Syndrome, Zenryoku Otome and Kokuhaku, and 15 of Josou Shounen. The grand total brings it to 57 volumes. So thank you, whether you've donated or not, because it is you that we do this for, the fans of the manga we scanlate.

Lastly, regarding Shounen Oujo, we may be able to restart it later this month if all goes well. There was a big unexpected problem with our last order, which just happened to have volume 3 of Shounen Oujo in it, but we have contacted our seller, and so should have it later this month, we hope. Thank you to everyone who's been very patient with waiting for this series. Just know that we are in the same boat as you. We love Shounen Oujo and want to continue to scanlate it as soon as possible.

Usotsuki Lily ch. 72: Mediafire, Dropbox


  1. Gratz on all the work so far~
    Keep it up~~

  2. nooo why the story so short T_T i cant wait next chapter

    i hope en fine

  3. Finally...\(^o^)/....Thank you for your hard work.

  4. Man, those statistics are amazing! A few more days until your anniversary... man, what an accomplishment!! =D Congratulations Hachimitsu! Thank you for all yoru love and hard work for the past 3 years! It's always a joy visiting your site!

  5. Wow! Some amazing stats! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  6. Thank you for all the hard work!

  7. Happy upcoming anniversary! Wow 500+ releases!

    I love uso lily, where the characters discuss their insecurities, and misunderstandings are cleared up in no more than a couple chapters. Thanks for the release and I'm excited about seeing what happens and which characters we'll see in the rest of the volume.

  8. OMG, thank you so much! How I missed this...! *-*

  9. the reason i love this group is because how original it is and the high quality i definitely think u r one of the biggest names in manga translating world
    keep up the good job

  10. i love usolily, and i love you!! thanks~~~

  11. Congratulations and thank you!

  12. Congratulations and thank you... ALL HAIL TRAPS!!!!!!!! ALL HAIL TRAPS!!!!!!!!
