Saturday, December 26, 2015

So Foul a Sky Clears Not Without a Storm!

So now that Bokura no Hentai chapter 37 and volume 9 are done, that leaves us with a relatively short wait until the 10th and final volume comes out, which we have now confirmed will be on March 12th (we had originally hoped for February). An interesting note about this chapter is that it was published in Comic Ryu's 100th issue, as alluded to with the title page (and another page in this chapter).

Bokura no Hentai ch. 37: Mediafire, Dropbox


  1. Hello! Thank you for your hard work! I'm a new follower of Bokura no Hentai. Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you, nice chapter :)

  3. Any news on new trap publishers? Been a slow year this 2015 for trap-centric manga titles, eh? Waai, josou shounen, etc, no more?

  4. This manga has becoming more interesting on each chapter.

  5. Thank you all again! Can't wait for the next volume!

  6. Really grateful for all your hard work! Thank you so much! Definitely looking forward to reading the final volume! In the meantime, hope you all have a Happy New Year <3 <3 <3

  7. Really not sure how the author can possibly wrap this series up in a satisfying conclusion with only one volume left to go. I mean they had a perfectly good chance to finally put an end to the forever ongoing love triangles with volume 9. But in the end there still hasn't been even a single bit of relationship development.

    I find it kind of frustrating really. Because Marika and Akane both have a crush on Tamura. But Tamura is homosexual and has only ever shown interest in Ryousuke or Tomochi. But Ryousuke has no interest in men and is only interested in Marika. While Tomochi seems to go both ways but is also only interested in Marika at the moment. So they're all ultimately just stuck in one great big loop that can never possibly go anywhere.

  8. Thanks for translating this. I just finished reading what's available.

    I hope it ends well.
