Friday, October 16, 2020

Yet Our Old Love Made a Particular Force!

Madowanai Hoshi chapters 43 and 44 are done, more than halfway through the volume.

Madowanai Hoshi ch. 43: Mediafire, Drive
Madowanai Hoshi ch. 44: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo in ch. 43, pg. 15 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.
Edit 2: Part of Sedna's profile retranslated in ch. 44, pg. 7. Replace with this.


  1. Um. This may be Ishikawa's error (some of the science in chapter 44 is a little dodgy, to say the least), but Sedna was actually close to perihelion in 2014. And she's getting closer (it's due in 2076, if she doesn't decide to pay us an unscheduled visit first). Possibly some confusion with the fact that, as of 2014, her aphelion distance was the largest of any known trans-Neptunian object?

    1. Thank you for pointing it out. I had misread her profile, and have now fixed it.
