Thursday, December 27, 2018

Understanding is Half the Battle!

Sorry about the delay, but Fukaboku chapter 7 is finally done. We'll probably get the next chapter out sooner, which actually comes out in about a week.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 7: Mediafire, Drive

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

With Great Magic, Comes Great Responsibility!

Finally, we now come to the end of Bokura wa Mahou Shounen volume 1 with chapters 5 and 6. Since this volume originally came out way back in September, it actually shouldn't be that long until volume 2 comes out, probably March or April.

I have to admit, that at first I was a little dubious about the unconventional art style, but now I really love it, and I think it's perfect for this type of story. Hopefully more people will give it a chance as we continue scanlating it in the future.

Bokura wa Mahou Shounen ch. 5: Mediafire, Drive
Bokura wa Mahou Shounen ch. 6: Mediafire, Drive

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Love is a Complicated Thing!

Now we come to the end of Giniro no Genders volume 1 with the release of chapters 6 and 7, which have title pages that look really nice next to each other, so that's a small added bonus in this release. As mentioned at the end of the volume, volume 2 is scheduled to be released in February, so we'll be getting back to this series after then.

In the meantime, we will be finishing up Bokumaho's first volume next, and we'll also be doing the recent Fukaboku chapter soon.

Giniro no Genders ch. 6: Mediafire, Drive
Giniro no Genders ch. 7: Mediafire, Drive

Saturday, December 8, 2018

It's Best to Be Yourself!

Here are Giniro no Genders chapters 4 and 5 as we near the end of the first volume.

Giniro no Genders ch. 4: Mediafire, Drive
Giniro no Genders ch. 5: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo in chapter 5 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder!

Today we have another one of Kina Kobayashi's web comics. It's called About a Guy Who's Been Destroyed From His First Love Being a Pretty Girl ♂ (original title: Hatsukoi ga Bishoujo ♂ de, Ikinone o Tomerareteshimatta Shounen no Hanashi, 初恋が美少女♂で、息の根を止められてしまった少年の話). Kobayashi first released it on Twitter, pixiv and Niconico Seiga last month, and it's been on our to do list ever since. Also, due to the popularity it's received, Kobayashi has tweeted that there will be at least one more chapter to be released this month.

In the story, Tougo Ushiwaka reunites with his childhood friend and first love Ren Ryuugasaki after about 10 years. However, Ushiwaka had been traumatized to discover that Ryuugasaki, who he had thought was a girl, is actually a guy with a fondness for cross-dressing.

Also, unlike most of Kobayashi's other web comics that we've done, this is fairly long at 40 pages, plus a few bonus illustrations that have been released since. And lastly, the raws for this were provided in very high quality by danke, who also requested an HQ release with unresized pages, so we've provided a link for that, too.

About a Guy Who's Been Destroyed From His First Love Being a Pretty Girl ♂ ch. 1: Mediafire, Drive, Mediafire (HQ)

Monday, December 3, 2018

Magic Doesn't Solve Everything!

And now for our second release today, we have Bokura wa Mahou Shounen chapters 3 and 4, more than halfway through volume 1.

Bokura wa Mahou Shounen ch. 3: Mediafire, Drive
Bokura wa Mahou Shounen ch. 4: Mediafire, Drive

Thursday, November 29, 2018

When Friendship is Needed Most!

Today we have Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru chapter 16, and as with the past few chapters, this is thanks to an anonymous raw provider that we have a chance to work on the chapters so soon after their release, so we really appreciate that. Also, there will be no chapter in the next issue, most likely so Hagino can work on the upcoming release of volume 4 in January, which will include up to this current chapter.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 16: Mediafire, Drive

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

No Risk, No Reward!

Here are Giniro no Genders chapters 2 and 3 after a bit of a delay.

Next up, the latest Nettaigyo chapter.

Giniro no Genders ch. 2: Mediafire, Drive
Giniro no Genders ch. 3: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo in chapter 2 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Magic Makes the Difference!

After almost exactly 7 months since we released chapter 1, and after a delay of 2 months since the first volume was released, we've finally found the time to once again work on Teppei Fukushima's Bokura wa Mahou Shounen, or Bokumaho for short. In this release, we completely redid chapter 1 with the raws from the volume, and we also finished chapter 2. So we hope you enjoy this project now that we can get more chapters out for it.

Bokura wa Mahou Shounen ch. 1 (v2): Mediafire, Drive
Bokura wa Mahou Shounen ch. 2: Mediafire, Drive

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Many Colors of Cross-dressing!

Happy Pocky Day! To celebrate (well, not really), we are pleased to present the first chapter of our newest project: Giniro no Genders (Silver Genders) by Hiro Tomono. It just recently started serialization in Young King earlier this year in June, and we've been waiting patiently for the first volume to be released to start it, which was in October, so there's only one volume right now. However, since Young King is a biweekly magazine, volumes for this series will come out pretty quickly, with the second volume already slated for release next February. The story is as follows:

Three months after starting college, Gin Fujigaya is still having trouble meeting new people and fitting in. As an escape, Gin indulges in secretly cross-dressing and posting selfies of himself in drag online, which has garnered him a large following. This leads him to going outside dressed as a girl for the first time, and he soon discovers that the way people interact with him like this is vastly different than what he's used to. Over time, Gin's fondness for cross-dressing and looking cute allows him to meet others who are harboring their own secrets.

Overall, the story is about various LGBT characters, alluded to by the big LGBT on the back of the first volume as shown above. The art is also very nice, and Tomono has a lot of experience drawing hentai, although this appears to be the author's first (non-hentai) series. So we hope you enjoy this new series.

Giniro no Genders ch. 1: Mediafire, Drive

Saturday, November 3, 2018

You Are What You Wear!

And now here's Fukaboku chapter 6.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 6: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, November 2, 2018

Friendship Knows No Distance!

Today we have Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru chapter 15. Just in time for right after Halloween, because if you didn't get enough of a sugar rush from all the candy, this series more than makes up for it. And we also have to thank the generous anonymous donor who has provided us with the raws once again for this series.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 15: Mediafire, Drive

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

When the Treats Outweigh the Tricks!

Happy Halloween! At last, we come to the end of Mizutama Honey Boy volume 9 with chapter 46. Also included is an unrelated one-shot called Youko Kaiki's Odd Brothers. It's about Youko Kaiki, a girl adopted into the Kaiki family who now has three older brothers: Akkun is a demon, Sora is an alien and Yuu is a ghost. Most of the one-shot is 4-koma, and it's basically just a short comedy.

And as listed at the end of the volume, volume 10 is the final volume, and it's already slated for release on April 5, 2019. Also, just as with volume 5, it will be released in a regular edition and a special edition bundled with a bonus booklet, so we'll be looking forward to finishing up the series next year, including the booklet.

Next up, the latest Nettaigyo chapter.

Mizutama Honey Boy ch. 46: Mediafire, Drive
Youko Kaiki's Odd Brothers one-shot: Mediafire, Drive

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

One Step at a Time!

So now we come to Mizutama Honey Boy chapters 44 and 45.

In other news, Ayumi Komura will be releasing a one-shot in Margaret next month that we're planning on doing. It's called Mizuiro no Koi (Light Blue Love), and it's about a woman named Ao who reverts back to a child right before her 30th birthday. It's not a gender bender, but it'll be the first new project from Komura since ending Kami-sama no Ekohiiki earlier in the year. There still isn't any news about her next series in Margaret, but we expect there to be an announcement soon.

Mizutama Honey Boy ch. 44: Mediafire, Drive
Mizutama Honey Boy ch. 45: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, October 19, 2018

It's Now or Never!

After almost six months, Mizutama Honey Boy returns with chapters 41, 42 and 43 from volume 9. And as we had suspected when we finished volume 8, this is actually the second to last volume, with the tenth and final volume already slated for release in April next year. That, coupled with the end of Shiomi-chan later this year, will mean that Madowanai Hoshi which we picked up just earlier this year will be our second-oldest project from when we started it, so Shounen Oujo will be our only ongoing project that predates 2018 (whenever it decides to come back from its hiatus, that is).

So since Mizutama is ending, it's a shame that it doesn't seem likely it'll ever get that anime adaptation, but we're glad that we'll have a chance to finish it next year after working on it for nearly 4 years by that time.

Mizutama Honey Boy ch. 41: Mediafire, Drive
Mizutama Honey Boy ch. 42: Mediafire, Drive
Mizutama Honey Boy ch. 43: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo in ch. 42 fixed and reuploaded.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

If the Shoe Fits, Wear It!

The latest Fukaboku release is here with chapter 5. The next chapter is slated for release on November 2.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 5: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Friend You Can't Live Without!

Today is a very special day for Hachimitsu Scans as it is our 8th anniversary! We appreciate all of the support the readers of our projects have given us over the years, and it is largely because of your support that we are still here 8 years later. It feels rather surreal that we've been scanlating manga for nearly a decade, and during that time, we've released about 1,600 chapters across dozens of series. It would be interesting to know just how many pages we've done in that time, but all we can say is, it's a lot. There has also been 4.5 million page views to the blog in that time, as well as over $1,700 in donations towards all the raws we've bought and scanned. So thank you all again for your support, and we hope to continue for years to come.

And so to celebrate, we now come to Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru chapter 14, the most recent chapter as of a week ago, so the next chapter isn't slated for release in Dengeki Maoh until the end of this month. The raws for this chapter were also provided to us from that same generous anonymous donor that gave us the raws for the last chapter, so we would also like to thank them for that. It's very much appreciated.

Also, we want to provide you with Masuji Ibuse's short story "Salamander" since it's such a big part of Nettaigyo's story. You can read it online here, and also download it from that link or from the Mediafire link below (the link is also on the Nettaigyo page). In fact, we would recommend reading the short story before reading chapter 14 since it would enhance that chapter's story. It's only 7 pages long, so it won't take long. And just so you know, the translations of the short story provided in our releases were taken from that translation, translated by John Bester and included in a book now out of print.

In other news, we've confirmed that Shiomi-chan's final chapter will be published this month, so we'll be finished up that series when the fifth and final volume is released, probably in December.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 14: Mediafire, Drive
"Salamander" by Masuji Ibuse: Mediafire

Friday, September 28, 2018

Your Friends Are Always There for You!

Although we took the last 2 weeks off, we're still here. So, thanks to a generous anonymous raw provider, here's Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru chapter 13. We also have the raws for chapter 14 just released a couple days ago, so we'll be working on that next.

For what's coming up in the near future, Mizutama Honey Boy v09 comes out in a week, so we'll be working on that in October. Also, the first volume of Bokura wa Mahou Shounen finally came out this month, so we'll be working on that alongside Mizutama pretty soon. For our other projects, the next volumes of Shiomi-chan and Eden no Otome will most likely come out later this year. Everything else is either monthly (Fukaboku), on hiatus (Shounen Oujo), or won't get a new volume until next year (Madowanai Hoshi).

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 13: Mediafire, Drive

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Love is Full of Ups and Downs!

Finally after a lot of work, Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu comes to an end with chapter 4. Also included at the end of the volume is a long afterword which reveals some extra details about Kaoru's and Michelle's relationship not present in the manga. Reading it, it's not hard to imagine why they decided to ultimately split up earlier this year after this book came out. So we hope you enjoyed this small look into Kaoru's and Michelle's lives as we complete our third autobiographical project.

Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu ch. 4: Mediafire, Drive
Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu volume batch: Mediafire

Monday, September 10, 2018

Honesty is the Best Policy!

Fresh off its release a few days ago, here is Fukaboku chapter 4, the shortest chapter to date.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 4: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, September 7, 2018

Always Follow Your Heart!

It feels like forever since we released chapter 2, but that was mainly because this chapter was so long and so time consuming, since it contains roughly half of the story's content, but the extra time and effort put into this release was definitely worth it.

In other news, another Fukaboku chapter was recently released, so we'll be getting that out soon. And as for Nettaigyo, unless other raws can be procured before this, the next chapter is slated to be released on Comic Walker at the end of the month, so we'll work on the next chapter from that series as soon as we can.

Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu ch. 3: Mediafire, Drive

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dream Big and Live Even Bigger!

It took a little while, but here's Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu chapter 2. Although the chapter itself is relatively small, there's a large amount of text in this series and also a lot of editing/redrawing, so it's rather time consuming. The next chapter is actually 52 pages long, but we'll try to get it out as soon as we can.

In other news, although Nettaigyo's Comic Walker page had previously listed the next chapter as coming out in late August when we released chapter 12, it now says it's undetermined when chapter 13 will become available, but since that chapter was just released in Dengeki Maoh yesterday, it'll most likely be available sometime in September, so we'll keep checking.

Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu ch. 2: Mediafire, Drive

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Don't Be Afraid to Express Yourself!

And now here are Fukaboku chapters 2 and 3, the most recently released chapter. Since the series is on a monthly schedule, the next chapter won't be released until probably September 7.

Also, you can see a couple of color illustrations of the characters on Konayama's Twitter account, as well as an older illustration of Mogumo on their pixiv account before the series was created, and an illustration of Suzu.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 2: Mediafire, Drive
Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 3: Mediafire, Drive

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

I Just Want to be Myself!

For our next new project, we've decided to work on Fukakai na Boku no Subete o by Kata Konayama, or Fukaboku for short. In the story, high school student Tetsu Iwaoka notices that his classmate Mogumu is always alone at school. Wanting to give Mogumo a chance to make some friends, Tetsu invites Mogumu to work at his family’s maid cafe. Although Mogumo is initially enthusiastic, there is just one problem: this is a girlyboy cafe, but Mogumo is adamant about being neither a boy nor a girl.

It recently started on Comic MeDu's website back in June, and there are currently three chapters out. The series is somewhat of a continuation of a series of doujins by Konayama called Kimi Dake no Ponytail. The first two are hentai, but the third one was non-hentai. You can read all three on Dynasty. Note that the third one is actually a prequel to the first two.

So if you're interested in it, please check out the first chapter.

Fukakai na Boku no Subete o ch. 1: Mediafire, Drive

Monday, August 20, 2018

If You're in Love, Nothing Else Matters!

It's been a while since we've tackled an autobiography, over two years since we did Hanayome wa Motodanshi (which you can now buy from Seven Seas Entertainment). So for our third autobiography, we present Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu (Girlyboys in Love) by Kaoru Ooshima, featuring art by Fumiko Fumi. Former porn star turned author Kaoru Ooshima details his autobiographical account of his daily life as a pansexual cross-dresser and what led him into working in the adult film industry. Along the way, he meets another porn star similar to him who he calls Michelle and the two start dating.

First, I would like to point out that Kaoru identifies as male, which can be seen in the manga, as well as during interviews. Next, according to Kaoru, he and Michelle met in early 2017, and shortly thereafter started dating. Shortly after the autobiography was published in December 2017, Buzzfeed did an interview with them in January about a month later, but by the time the interview was published in February, the two had already broken up. So although they are no longer together (it doesn't look like they ever got back together at least), the book still remains as an account of both Kaoru's life and his short relationship with Michelle. If you want to read more into it, you can check out a review of the book.

So we hope you enjoy this short, but very cute story.

Otokonoko Doushi Renai Chuu ch. 1: Mediafire, Drive

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The End Justifies the Means!

Finally, we come to the end of Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko with chapters 7 and 8. Also included at the end of the volume is a short epilogue for the second chapter and the author's afterword. We had a lot of fun working on this quirky series, and we hope you enjoyed it, too.

Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko ch. 7: Mediafire, Drive
Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko ch. 8: Mediafire, Drive
Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko volume batch: Mediafire

Saturday, August 11, 2018

There's Nothing Like Your First Time!

And now here are Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko chapters 5 and 6, with just two left to go.

Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko ch. 5: Mediafire, Drive
Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko ch. 6: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, August 10, 2018

There's No Replacement for True Friendship!

Finally, here's Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru chapter 12, the most recently released chapter, and it's a long one at 50 pages. The next chapter is slated to come out in the next issue of Dengeki Maoh later this month, and its Comic Walker page says it'll be updated on August 29.

To Makoto Hagino's credit, a lot of focus seems to be being put on this series right now. The first two volumes each received additional printings, and on top of it being on the cover of the next issue of Dengeki Maoh, it's also going to come bundled with a clear file featuring an original illustration by Hagino. Also, Hagino is going to appear at the Dengeki Festival in October where she'll be participating in an autograph session, in addition to them selling a canvas print specifically drawn for the event. At this point, it would be rather surprising if this series didn't get an anime eventually, though it may still be a couple of years until it happens.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 12: Mediafire, Drive

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Endless Love Lasts a Lifetime!

After a ton of work, Shimanami Tasogare is now officially complete with the updated versions of chapters 20 through 23. Also included at the end of the volume is a bonus, 4-page epilogue. It's not much, but at least it's better than nothing considering how rushed the ending was. But it was still a very worthwhile series, and one that we will miss.

Shimanami Tasogare ch. 20: Mediafire, Drive
Shimanami Tasogare ch. 21: Mediafire, Drive
Shimanami Tasogare ch. 22: Mediafire, Drive
Shimanami Tasogare ch. 23: Mediafire, Drive
Volume batches: Shimanami Tasogare page

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Never Leave Home Without One!

And now we come to Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko chapters 3 and 4.

Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko ch. 3: Mediafire, Drive
Sore wa Tada no Senpai no Chinko ch. 4: Mediafire, Drive

Friday, August 3, 2018

Friendship is a Two Way Street!

And now Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru chapters 10 and 11 are finished, leaving one more before we're caught up for the moment.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 10: Mediafire, Drive
Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 11: Mediafire, Drive

Edit: Typo in ch. 10 fixed and reuploaded. Replace with this.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

You Know Who You Love!

Here are the updated versions of Shimanmi Tasogare chapters 16 through 19 using volume 4's raws. Various improvements and additions have gone into the updates, and there were also some changes to the text of the raws from the web version, the most obvious of which can be seen in chapter 18 with this. Some of the translations have also been tweaked for better flow. So, we're halfway through the final volume as we near closer to finally completing this series. Also, the volume came with a 4-page bonus epilogue at the end of the volume, so look forward to that.

And as mentioned before on our Twitter account, Seven Seas Entertainment licensed the manga, with the first volume slated for May 2019. So if you liked the series, please buy the volumes when they become available if at all possible.

Shimanami Tasogare ch. 16: Mediafire, Drive
Shimanami Tasogare ch. 17: Mediafire, Drive
Shimanami Tasogare ch. 18: Mediafire, Drive
Shimanami Tasogare ch. 19: Mediafire, Drive

Monday, July 30, 2018

A Little Friendship Goes a Long Way!

Although we were initially going to wait to continue Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru when volume 3 comes out in about a month, we have decided to make an exception for this series and will now be working on the public raws as they're released and then redo the chapters later with the volume raws like what we have just done with Ookami Shounen and will get to with Shimanami Tasogare.

Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru ch. 9: Mediafire, Drive